11th United States Cavalry - 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment 

100  Years  of   Service  to  the Nation  100thlogo1.jpg (49703 bytes)

11  July 2001


Book Signing

Vietnam Insights, Logic of Involvement and Unconventional Perspectives.

“President ready to send U.S. Troops back to liberate South Vietnam.” And if you read the research and facts presented by James M. Griffiths, there will be no protesting in the streets by the old anti-war groups.

His recently released book, Vietnam Insights, Logic of Involvement and Unconventional Perspectives, dispel the damaging and false myths long held by a misinformed American public about the war and Vietnam veterans. A few unethical journalists seeking sensationalism and recognition at the expense of America’s heroes have perpetuated many untruths that became accepted as fact. Unconscious errors by young journalists not of that period who were simply unfamiliar with the facts and followed the lead of senior reporters.

The book exposes some of the countries most famous journalists and publications and their relentless pursuit in degrading Vietnam veterans.

The book is well researched and written and offers irrefutable historical facts and a broader understanding of that conflict. Many schools and higher learning institutions have biased and inaccurate books in use compiled by those seeking to justify their own position during the war. While they are entitled to their opinion, they are not entitled to their own set of facts.

The late Military Historian, Col. Harry Summers said it best:

“One of the greatest ironies of the Vietnam War is that those still suffering most from that conflict are the ones who never served there. While the overwhelming majority of Vietnam Veterans have long since returned to civilian life and got on with their lives and careers, many of the draft dodgers and war evaders still struggle with their consciences. Torn by guilt, they try to explain their evasion by deliberately distorting what the war was all about. Most veterans could care less about their posturing,

but there is one fact that cannot be ignored. In trying to make themselves look good, these shirkers must of necessity make those who did serve look bad.”

The American public should be outraged for being misled and manipulated. The perpetrators of lies should be ashamed for attempting to dishonor those who risked their very lives to save their fellow man from a cruel totalitarian dictatorship, which launched a thousand boats and made mass murder, tiger cages, re-education camps and poverty commonplace in South Vietnam after the war.

James M. Griffiths is a Vietnam veteran who served with F-Troop of the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, 1968-69 while it was under the command of Col. George S. Patton. Mr. Griffiths has been a high-school history teacher for more than twenty years and resides in Michigan.