From the 70th Colonel of the Regiment

Colonel Timothy J. Ferguson
Quarter, 2024


ALLONS! Merry ALLONS! from the Troopers, NCOs, and officers of the Best Damn Regiment and the FINEST IN THE LAND! The Regiment is wrapping up a well-deserved block leave for the holidays and we hope that it has been a relaxing holiday season for all of you as well.

The fall was a very busy season for the Blackhorse as we fought a rotation with 1st SBCT, 4th Infantry Division and then executed several major training events before another rotation. My wife Alex and I were very honored to attend the ACVVC reunion in September in Grand Rapids, MI and the opportunity to meet many of you. It was an amazing experience that we both will cherish.

Blackhorse fielded the Army’s newest and most lethal tank, the M1A2SEPv3 and has now fired two gunneries with them. We also held an E3B, which consists of training and testing for the Expert Infantryman Badge (EIB), Expert Soldier Badge (ESB), and Expert Field Medical Badge (EFMB). We had nearly 100 Troopers win one of the three coveted badges.

Our final force-on-force fight was in November against 3rd ABCT, 4th Infantry Division and the Regiment did exceptionally well. We followed that with a break for Thanksgiving and a Blackhorse Commander’s Cup challenge, which 2/11 “Eaglehorse” took in a close competition. As we moved into the final weeks before the holiday, we conducted multiple training exercises to include a tank gunnery, team and squad live fire exercises and several holiday events to celebrate 2023.

As always there is much going on in the Blackhorse every day and it is a very exciting time here in the high desert of California. Our best wishes from all of us to all of you as we look forward into 2024. This will be another busy year of rotations, training, and ultimately transition as the summer approaches. You are our legacy, we are the present, and we each look fondly toward the future of our Regiment and continuing to serve our nation.




COL Timothy J. Ferguson, 70th RCO


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