The 12th Annual Marty Ognibene Memorial Golf Tournament
Tokatee Golf Club
54947 McKenzie Highway
Blue River, Oregon 97413
Phone 1(800) 452-6376
$55 per golfer includes greens fees, carts, balls, tees, lunch, beverage and prizes! Fill in the form and mail it to the address below with a check for $55 per golfer (payable to Joe Coopet). Form and fee must be received in Minnesota by July 15, 2003 to guarantee your entry!
You don’t need a foursome to enter. Include you average score for 18 holes and I’ll pair you with a golfer of equal talent or include the names of all golfers in the group for whom you are paying. This outing is open to men and women. Don’t delay!!! Mail today!!! FORE!
12th Annual Marty Ognibene Memorial Golf Tournament
Name ________________________________________________Average Score________
Address ___________________________________________Home Phone_____________
City _______________________________State______________Zip___________________
Name ________________________________________________Average Score_________
Name ________________________________________________Average Score_________
Name ________________________________________________Average Score_________
checks to: Joe Coopet, Golf Tournament Director
9289 Parkside Draw
Woodbury, MN 55125
Call 651-578-2857 if you have questions. You will receive confirmation in the mail if your registration fee is paid by July 15, 2003. All entries must be prepaid. This will be one of the nicest golf courses played since the inception of our reunion tournament. We look forward to your participation.