Health care Fact Sheet #1
September 1997
VA health care enrollment? It's a new system providing access for veterans to a comprehensive package of VA Health Care services. And, it's easy to use! 

Just answer a few questions and you will be assigned by VA to one of the newly established priority groups. VA will then send a letter confirming your enrollment and assignment. That's it!

VA will extend enrollment to every group for which resources are available. The enrollment process will begin October 1997 and will be repeated every year. 
  • You must be enrolled to receive Health Care after October 1998 unless you are in one of the following categories: 
    • You are rated by VA as having a service-connected disability of 50 percent or more 
    • It has been less than one year since you were discharged from military service for a compensable disability that the military determined was incurred or aggravated in the line of duty, and which has not yet been rated by VA. 
    • You are seeking care from VA only for a service-connected disability.
    VA encourages veterans in the above categories to also apply for enrollment so we can better plan for your Health Care needs.
    Starting in October 1997, all veterans may apply by contacting the nearest VA Health Care facility. If you have received VA Health Care services after October 1, 1996, you do not need to apply. In this case, VA will process an application on your behalf. When enrollment is confirmed, VA will notify you in writing. You can apply for enrollment anytime during the year.
    You will remain enrolled for one year. Your enrollment will be reviewed and renewed each year depending upon your priority group and available resources. If VA cannot renew your enrollment for another year you will be notified in writing 60 days before your enrollment expires.
    Last Update 04/05/98