BY-LAWS of the 11th ACVVC
With Amendments approved by Board of Directors July 23-24, 1999
Updated by Frank R. Cambria, Secretary, 17 February, 2000
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be "11th Armored Cavalrys Veterans of Vietnam and Cambodia ", also known as "11th ACVVC".
Section 1. Headquarters-
(a) The headquarters of the 11th ACVVC shall be in the state of Texas.
(b) The headquarters of the 11Th ACVVC may be redesignated to another location as required if approved by a majority vote of the Officers.
Section 1. The 11th ACVVC shall be incorporated in the state of Texas as a nonprofit corporation for public benefit, ( Internal Revenue Service Code 501 (c) 19. )
Section 2. The 11th ACVVC shall be a nonprofit, nonsectarian, nonpolitical, nondiscriminatory veterans service organization.
Section 1. The objectives of the 11th ACVVC are:
(a) To improve overall life of the men who served with the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment in the Vietnam War,
(b) To assist our membership whenever possible,
(c) To continue the camaraderie of the Regiment through reunions, memorial services and communication.
Section 1. Types of Membership:
(a) Active membership in the 11th ACVVC is offered to any veteran who served with or was attached to the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment in the Republic of Vietnam and/or the Kingdom of Cambodia. Dues-paid active members may attend business meetings of the 11th ACVVC, submit proposals, make motions and vote on any motion brought before the membership.
(b) Honorary membership is extended to the surviving spouse, children, siblings and parents of any person killed or missing in action in Vietnam or Cambodia while serving with or attached to the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment. Honorary members will not be required to pay dues, and cannot vote or hold office.
Section 2. Dues.
(a) Dues will be $15 annually or $100 for a Lifetime membership.
(b) Dues may be increased or decreased as needed by a majority vote of the Officers
(c) No increase or decrease in dues will be retroactive.
Section 3. Membership Denial, Suspension and Termination.
(a) Members who are delinquent in any financial transaction with the 11th ACVVC, including but not limited to the passing of bad checks to the 11th ACVVC are subject to Suspension or Termination of Membership:
(a1) Any member or immediate family member who submits payment to the 11th ACVVC via check or other financial instrument not backed with sufficient funds shall have his membership suspended and attendance at 11th ACVVC functions precluded after two attempts by the 11th ACVVC to collect such funds.
(a2) Upon receipt of the full delinquent payment and any outstanding bad check or related charges, the suspensions in Section 3(a1) shall be lifted.
(a3) If the actions described in Section 3(a) occurs a second time, the members membership will be terminated for life.
(b) The Officers and Directors of the 11th ACVVC can deny or terminate by majority vote, an otherwise eligible trooper, membership in the 11th ACVVC. Examples for denial could be, but are not limited to, known sexual offenders, indebtedness to the organization, persons who have caused disturbances at events, or who have caused the 11th ACVVC to "look bad" or to receive bad or negative press, etc.
(b1) If the terminated member is a Life Member, his membership fees will be prorated and returned to the person being refused continued membership, and his card number will be reissued to a qualified member-to-be.
Section 1. Officers. The Officers of the 11th ACVVC shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and three Directors.
Section 2. Duties_
(a) President - The President shall be the chief executive officer of the 11th ACVVC and shall, subject to the direction of the Officers, supervise and control all of the business affairs of the 11th ACVVC and shall see that all orders and resolutions are carried into effect. The President shall preside at all Officers and business meetings. The President shall be a member of all committees as may be needed. He shall render a condensed annual report to all officers. He shall obey all lawful orders of the 11th ACVVC and be thoroughly familiar with the By-Laws and rules of parliamentary law and procedure. He shall be the Official representative of the 11th ACVVC at all functions he attends and will at all times conduct himself in a manner befitting the high office to which he has been elected.
Vice President. In the Absence of the President the Vice President shall perform the duties of and be subject to all restrictions upon the President. In the event that the President refuses or is unable to act the Vice President shall assume the office of President Pro tem until the President is formally replaced as per the By-Laws.
Secretary. The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of the minutes of the annual Officers and business meetings and provide copies to the other Officers for their approval within (30) days of the adjournment of these meetings. He shall assemble an agenda for both the Officers and business meetings and provide a copy of this agenda to all Officers not less than thirty (30) days prior to the meetings. He shall read aloud the minutes of the previous meetings at each successive meeting and present the preliminary ballot of candidates at each election. He shall take role call of Officers and mark the absentees at all Officers and business meetings and record the name of the member who introduces a motion. In the absence of the President and Vice President the Secretary shall take the Chair, call the meeting to order and preside until the President and Vice President arrives or until a President Pro tem is elected.
Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be responsible for all funds, securities and properties of the 11th ACVVC and for the receipt and disbursement thereof. He shall keep full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements in books belonging to the 11th ACVVC and shall deposit all moneys in the name and to the credit of the 11th ACVVC in such insured depositories as designated by the Officers. The Treasurer shall disburse the funds of the 11th ACVV as needed or as ordered by a majority vote of the Officers, taking proper vouchers for all disbursements. Treasurer shall render to the Officers and membership at the annual meeting a full financial report based on the books and accounts as audited annually by a certified public accountant or auditing committee. The Treasurer will provide a quarterly financial statement to each Officer showing all receipts and disbursements made to and from all accounts of the 11th ACVVC. The Treasurer must be bonded for an account not less than the total assets of the 11th ACVVC.
Directors. The Directors are expected to commit themselves to a specific area of interest within the 11th ACVVC or as directed by the President.
All Officers shall have the right to vote and to debate questions the same as any other member.
Any Officer who knowingly commits any act or omission which is deemed injurious to the reputation of the 11th ACVVC and its good name, or who brings false charges against its Officers or its members may be removed from office by an unanimous vote of the other Officers.
No Officer can be compelled to continue in office against his will. Any Officer may resign his office without the consent of the electing power or the other Officers.
All Officers shall abide by the rules, By-Laws and regulations of the 11th ACVVC and the lawful orders of the assembly. All Officers shall perform the duties of their office to the best of their knowledge and ability and will conduct themselves at all times in a manner consistent with the high office to which they have been elected.
Section 1. Nominations
Nominations for officers of the 11th ACVVC may be mailed to the Secretary who will place them on a preliminary ballot.
Nominations can also be made in person from the floor at the meeting.
Any nominee not in attendance at the business meeting must have previously submitted to the Secretary a letter of acceptance of nomination as candidate for the office to which he is nominated.
Section 2. Elections
The President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary shall be elected biennially at the annual meeting in odd numbered years to serve a two year term starting on January 1 of the following year and terminating at midnight, December 31 of the next year.
One Director will be elected annually to a three-year term after the election in 1995 of three Directors to one, two and three year terms.
Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the dues-paid members in attendance at the business meeting.
Section 3. Successive terms
An Officer may succeed himself no more than two consecutive terms, with the exception of the incumbent Treasurer and Secretary who may run for re-election to those offices without term limitation.
Section 4. Vacancies in Office
In the event of a vacancy in any office, or inability or refusal to serve, the office shall be filled pro tem by a majority vote of the remaining Officers. If the vacancy occurs before the annual meeting in the first year of the two year term, a special election will be to fill the remainder of the term.
Section 5. Eligibility
Candidates for office must be dues-paid Life members and present proof of discharge under medical or honorable conditions.
Candidates for the office of Treasurer must provide notarized documentation of both eligibility and intent to be bonded.
Section 1. Annual Business meeting
There will be a minimum of one business meeting annually open to the general membership with time, date and location published in advance.
Attendance and voting privileges at annual business meetings are restricted to dues-paid members.
A quorum at the annual business meeting will consist of eight or more members other than elected Officers.
Section 2. Annual Officers meeting
There will be a minimum of one meeting of the Officers annually with time, date and location published in advance.
A quorum at the annual Officers meeting will consist of five elected Officers.
Any Officer failing to attend the annual Officers meeting without prior notification of inability to attend will be immediately removed from office and the office will be declared vacant.
The annual Officers meeting will be held prior to the annual business meeting.
Section 3. 11th ACVVC Organized Functions
11th ACVVC Officers and Directors retain the right, by majority vote, to disapprove any person from participating in any functions organized by, funded by, or carrying the name 11th ACVVC, 11th Cavalry Vietnam Veterans, or any other similar name referring to the 11th ACVVC.
Section 1. Officers Meetings
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call of Officers
Reading of Minutes
Treasurers Report
Presidents Report
Committee Reports
Old Business
Unfinished Business
New Business
Good of the Order
Review of Action Points
Closing Prayer
Section 2. Business Meetings
Presentation of Colors
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call of Officers
Reading of Minutes*
Treasurers Report
Committee Reports
Old Business
Unfinished Business
New Business
Reunion Site Selection (when required)
Good of the Order
Review of Reunion Schedule
Closing Prayer
*Reading of the previous years Business Meeting minutes may be waived by general consent. Minutes of the Officers meeting must be read at the next business meeting immediately following the Officers Meeting.
Section 1. Standing Committees
Membership This committee shall receive and approve applications from individuals wishing to become members of the 11th ACVVC. This committee shall establish procedures to validate an applicants eligibility.
Historical This committee shall be responsible for collecting historical information on the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment from the period of 1 January 1966 to 31 December 1972. This committee shall be responsible for the validation of the authenticity and cataloguing of this information.
Reunion This committee will plan and execute all details of the reunion for which it is responsible. The President, Treasurer and Secretary will be permanent members of this committee. The committee Chairman should be from the city where the reunion will be held and must be a dues-paid member of the 11th ACVVC.
Area and Unit Representative This committee will be composed of members representing their respective states and units whose function will be to locate and communicate with former members of the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment and the parents, widow and children of our comrades killed in action. These Area/Unit Representatives will also attend veterans and other patriotic functions in their area to promote and continue the excellent reputation that the Regiment established in Vietnam and Cambodia.
Public Affairs This committee will be responsible for promoting and publishing the views and policies of the 11th ACVVC to the public via written and verbal communication with the media.
"In Touch" This committee will be responsible for locating and contacting the families of our 716+ comrades killed in action, establishing a communications link with them and encouraging the families to attend our reunions.
Section 2. Terms of Office
Members of standing committees shall serve for a period of two years terminating with the end of the term of the President who appointed them. Any committee member may be reappointed to additional terms. Any committee chairmen or member may be removed from any committee at the recommendation of the President who appointed them or at the completion of the project for which the committee was formed, whichever comes first.
Section 3. Special Committees
The President may appoint special committees, formed for specific purposes within a finite time frame. Chairmen and members of these committees will serve until the end of the term of the President who appointed them or until the completion of the project for which the committee was formed, whichever comes first.
Section 1. Operating rules
The rules contained in "Roberts Rules of Order" (newly revised) shall govern in all cases to which they are applicable and which they are not inconsistent with these By-Laws.
Section 1. These By-Laws may be amended at any annual business meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present and voting, provided that the proposed amendment has been previously approved by a majority vote of the Officers.
Section 2. Any proposed amendment must be received in writing by the Secretary of the 11th ACVVC not later than thirty days before the annual business meeting
11th ACVVC Bylaws
Amendment approved by majority vote of the Officers on 12 Sept. 1998
Amendment approved by majority vote of the Officers on 12 Sept. 1998
Amendment approved by majority vote of the Officers on 12 Sept. 1998
Amendment approved by majority vote of the Officers on 12 Sept. 1998
Amendment approved by majority vote of the Officers on 30 April 1999
Amendment approved by majority vote of the Officers on 30 April 1999
Amendment approved by majority vote of the Officers on 30 April 1999