Ladies and Gents:
We are fast approaching Veterans Day in Washington, DC.  As you are aware, 11 ACVVC is sponsoring a "mini-bunker" that weekend at the Marriott Washington.  We plan on stocking it with beer, sodas, finger food and sandwiches.  We also plan on marching together to The Wall as the best damn unit there on Veterans Day.  We are also planning on placing our Blackhorse wreath at the apex of The Wall after the march.  We are hoping all Blackhorse Troopers from all eras will participate in all that's happening that weekend.

We need help in several areas.  Our Vice President, John Sorich will be staying at the mini-bunker for three nights.  Don Snedeker is handling the wreath and the service at The Wall.  
We need local troopers that can assist us in procuring the beverages and food items from Army Commissary - we have $500 for this purchase.  If not there, then purchase on the local market.  We also need someone in the Washington area to send our banner and 11th Cav flag to (residence) for use in the bunker and the march to The Wall.  They would also have to ship them back to Eric Newton's in Dallas, after it's over with.

If you can assist in those areas, please contact me or any other Officer or Director of 11 ACVVC.   My email address is:

Please forward this info to every 11th Cav trooper you have an email address on to get the word out.
Ollie Pickral
President, 11 ACVVC