Good morning. Welcome to the dedication of the memorial honoring the men
of the 11th Cavalry Group who served in World War II.
Please stand for the posting of the colors.
Again, welcome to todays dedication honoring men of World War II.
name is Allen Hathaway, president ----
The 11th Cavalry was activated on February 2, 1901. The 11th Cavalry has a
long and distinguished history spanning over 109 years.
The 11th Cavalry Group, as it was known during World War II, is part of
that long and distinguished history.
are here today to honor those men from World War II and particularly those
who were killed in action while serving with the 11th Cavalry Group.
are pleased today to have three veterans of World War II who served with the
11th Cavalry Group.
like to introduce them now.
Mr. Arthur Bass, Hillsboro, IL
Mr. Kingdon Gould - Washington, DC
Mr. Ausbon Jinright - Tuscaloosa, AL
These gentlemen served with Troop C, 36th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron,
11th Cavalry Group during WW II.
are proud to say the 11th Cavalry is still serving our nation today.
The 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment is arguably the best trained mechanized
military unit in the world. The men and women of the 11th currently have
the task of training active and reserve units at their home base at the
National Training Center at Fort Irwin, California. They are the best of
the best.
Regiment serves as the opposing force in exercises designed to train our
Army under near-combat conditions.
The senior leaders of the regiment are here this week as part of the Armor
Conference and our memorial dedication today.
Paul J Laughlin RCO
CSM Martin E Wilcox - RCSM
LTC Todd Walsh 1/11 CO
CSM Steve Mulig 1/11 CSM
LTC Michael J. Hester 2/11 CO
CSM Scott R. Peare 2/11 CSM
Regimental Color Guard
like to also introduce retired BG John Sherman Crow, president of the
Blackhorse Association. General Crow served with the 11th Cavalry in
Vietnam in 1970-1971 and later as the Regimental Commander in Fulda, Germany
from 1979-1982, as the 11th patrolled the border of east and west Germany
during the cold war.
want to also welcome the many Blackhorse veterans who are today as we
remember our fallen comrades. Thank you for attending.
little about this memorial. In the 109 years since the 11th was first
activated it has been called upon to defend the freedom of this nation and
its allies.
Memorial as a whole entity is dedicated to all Blackhorse
troopers who served in all campaigns beginning with the
Philippine Insurrection in 1902-1904, through the latest deployment in
support of Operation Iraqi Freedom III in 2005-2006.
This memorial is a lasting tribute to those who served and died in the
service of our country and of the 11th Cavalry.
memorial has undergone several changes in the past 3 years. It has expanded
to include memorials to all campaigns of the 11th Cavalry.
your left and facing in is the memorial dedicated to the men who served in
Philippine Insurrection: 1902 1904 43 casualties
Later this year we will add a plaque listing the name of those men.
the same memorial on the outside is the plaque
Mexican Insurrection: 1916 1917
From 1966 1972 the regiment served in Vietnam. Behind me is the monument
dedicated to the 730 casualties the regiment suffered in the 5 1/2 years it
served in Vietnam.
your right
Gulf War / Operation Positive Force: 1991 1 casualty
Operation Iraqi Freedom: 2005 2006 21
bricks you see here are from troopers who served with the 11th Cavalry,
family and friends of the Blackhorse. There are nearly 1,000 bricks here
that are inscribed with various messages of pride in service to this great
regiment and of support of the men listed on these monuments.
soon this monument will be complete having accounted for and listed all
names from all campaigns of the 11th Cavalry.
now today we are please to be able to honor the men of World War II
In December 1941 and
the bombing of Pearl Harbor the 11th Cavalry was stationed in California.
In the following months the 11th would provide security along the coastline
of California and borders of Mexico.
In the early years of
World War II there was constant shifting of military resources.
Personnel and units were moved and reorganized as the country mobilized to
fight this war.
The 11th Cavalry was no
exception. In 1942 and 1943 the 11th underwent various reorganizations and
reassignments. Various elements of the 11th were spun off as other
divisions being formed.
Finally, in May 1943
the 11th became the 11th Cavalry Group Mechanized. The 11th Cavalry Group
was organized into two squadrons the 36th and 44th Cavalry Reconnaissance
For the remainder of
1943 and into 1944 the 11th would continue their intensive pre-combat
training and prepare to enter into World War II.
In June 1944 COL ANDREW
FRIERSON would assume command of the 11th Cavalry Group.
In early September 1944
the group moved to Camp Kilmer, New Jersey. On September 29 the group
boarded the US Transport Ship
then joined a 40 ship convoy headed for the European Theater of Operation.
Eleven days later the
transport dropped anchor in Scotland and the 11th boarded a troop train
headed for Swanage, England along the south coast on the English Channel.
Troop B, 44th Squadron,
led by LT Leonard D. Holder was given the honor of providing security to
General Eisenhower's headquarters from November 1944 through the remainder
of the war.
COL Holder would later become the 37th Colonel of the Regiment in Vietnam
in 1968.
On November 23,
1944 the 11th Cavalry Group crossed the English Channel and soon found
themselves in the Battle of the Bulge holding an entire sector normally
occupied by a division. After the Bulge, the 11th Cavalry Group acted as
the flank screen for the 13th Corps during the push from the Roer to the
Rhine. The 11th was in constant enemy contact, and reached the Rhine on
March 5, 1945. They resumed their offensive into the heartland of Germany
on April 1st. In a classic use of armored cavalry, the 11th pushed ahead of
allied forces, liberating more than a thousand American POWs and several
thousand slave laborers from prison camps. The 11th Cavalry reached the Elbe
River on April 14th then swung north conducting mop up operations. The 11th
Cavalry Group met the Russian Third Corps coming into Germany near Kunrau on
May 4, 1945. This final thrust of the war resulted in the 11th Cavalry
Group capturing over 6,000 prisoners. In 21 days the Blackhorse moved 378
miles. On May 8, 1945, Nazi Germany would surrender. The war in Europe was
its actions during World War II the 11th Cavalry Group was awarded 5 battle
streamers which are proudly displayed on the regimental colors.
Normandy 1944
Northern France 1944
Rhineland 1944-1945
Ardennes-Alsace 1944-1945
Central Europe 1945
These campaigns were hard fought and with great sacrifice.
11th suffered 56 casualties / 37 from 36th Recon Sqdn / 19 from 44th
Recon Sqdn
is our duty as friends, comrades, fellow soldiers and Americans to honor
these men and their sacrifices. Today we dedicate this monument in their
please Stand
Invite the World War II veterans to step forward to unveil the monument.
Read names
Many of those just read are laid to rest in the Netherlands American
Cemetery in Margraten, Holland.
1994, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of their landing in Europe,
these gentlemen along with others from C Troop, their wives and friends
traveled to Holland for a reunion.
Please be seated
Laughlin greet WW II veterans brief remarks
Closing remarks - Allen Hathaway
REMINDER: 10:00 am memorial service for COL Jimmie Leach
Please Stand
Closing prayer Chaplain Larry Haworth - 2/11 ACR Vietnam - 1969-1970
Retire colors 11th Cavalry Color Guard