11th Armored Cavalry's Veterans of Vietnam & Cambodia

38th Annual Reunion - September 18-24, 2023

Grand Rapids, Michigan

Photos courtesy of Jennifer Quinn



Looking at photos from Vietnam that
have been digitized




A Troop, 1/11

L Troop, 3/11


Terry Stivers (B Trp) and
Mike Cricco (I Trp)
have attended all 38 reunions!

All's quiet in the Bunker

B Troop, 1/11


G Troop, 2/11


Howitzer Battery, 3/11


HHT, 1/11 - Medics

398th Transportation Detachment



HHT, 3/11

G Troop, 2/11





398th Tranaportation Detachment








Ready to load busses for the Friday tour to
Heritage Hill followed by lunch at the Dunneback & Girls Farm


Buses ready for the Friday tour

Tour bus

Tour bus


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