Meet Our 2013 Scholarship Winners
Brief statements from 19 of our 2013 Scholarship Winners.
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Dylan T. Graham
T This scholarship is truly a blessing for me and my family and it helps us out so much. With two other siblings in college this really helps out with our financial situation. It gives me a chance to pursue my goals at Michigan State next year. To me this is an incredible honor. To be thought of as a leader and to receive the Colonel Charles L. Schmidt Leadership is amazing. Thank you so much for this opportunity to strive for success at Michigan State.
Dylan T. Graham is the son, of Richard T. Graham, A Troop, 67-68. This scholarship awarded in honor of: Charles L. Schmidt
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1. Lara E, Bacon It is hard to express how thankful I am to receive this scholarship. Without it, I would have had to postpone continuing college to earn my degree in veterinary technology at least a year. I would like to thank the veterans of Vietnam and Cambodia for their honorable service and the 11th ACVVC for their kindness and generosity. Lara E. Bacon, daughter of Dean W. Bacon, C Troop, 69-70. This scholarship awarded in honor of: Loren D. Le Beau, A Troop, (KIA; 2/1/1971)
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Brian B. Baughman Thanks so much to the 11th Armored Cavalry's Veterans of Vietnam and Cambodia for selecting me to be one of the scholarship recipients. I would also like to thank all those that have donated to the 11th ACVVC making these generous scholarship awards possible. Your donation is not wasted, but used with frugality and humility. At the age of 30, my wife and I both decided to leave a career of sales and return to school in order to pursue new careers in nursing. This has required that we cut our costs and make numerous sacrifices over the past 3 years. My spouse will graduate from her nursing program in December. I have completed an Associate's degree, required prerequisites, and am now in the application process to start a nursing program in January. My long-term educational goal includes a Master's Degree Program to become a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist. I am honored to be the son of an 11th ACVVC member, and I also have two sons (ages 3 & 6) who are grateful and proud 11thACVVC grandchildren. Thank you for your service and support. Brian B. Baughman, is the son of William R. Baughman, K Troop, 68. This scholarship awarded in honor of: John A. Marr, Air Cavalry Troop, (KIA 5/9/1970) |
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1. Emma B. Ciborowski I am honored and humbled at being selected to receive an 11th Armored Cavalry’s Veterans of Vietnam and Cambodia $4000 scholarship award. My dad and I attended the 2008 11th ACVVC annual reunion in the Chicago where I enjoyed meeting many members of your group who so selflessly served our great country. Your generous financial gift will help me to attain an Engineering degree from the University of Iowa. Thank you for your kind support—I will not let you down. Emma B. Ciborowski is the daughter of Dennis Ciborowski, D Company, 1967. KIA dedication to James R. Gentile, B Troop (KIA: 3/26/69) |
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Airisa A. Durand II I cannot begin to thank you enough for the generous scholarship that has been awarded to me. I have worked very hard to be where I am today and it means a lot that this organization deems me worthy of their support. Thank You again! Airisa Durand is the daughter of Steve H. Durand, HHT 3/11, 67-69. KIA dedication to Bobby G. Haynes, C Troop, (KIA: 9/6/1969)
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Kimberlie S. Gerlach Being awarded one of the 11th Armored Cavalry Veterans of Vietnam and Cambodia Scholarships is truly an honor. I want everyone responsible to know how thankful I am. I know I am blessed to have the support of my family, and my extended Blackhorse family. I want nothing more than to make them all proud. This scholarship will most certainly help me attain that goal and aid me in my culinary school pursuits.
Kimberlie S. Gerlach is the daughter of Ronald L. Gerlach, HOW 2/11, 69-70. KIA dedication to Herbert Koliba, D Company, (KIA: 5/15/1969).
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Emily M. German
I would like to thank the 11th Armored Cavalry's Veterans of Vietnam & Cambodia for this wonderful scholarship opportunity. I am honored to represent the 11th ACVVC and its members as a scholarship recipient! Thanks to the 11th ACVVC scholarship I am able to pursue my goals and dreams and continue studying Clinical Laboratory Science at Kansas State University.
Emily German is the daughter of Ronald L. German, E Troop, 69-72. KIA dedication to Johnny C. Preston, E Troop, (KIA: 5/24/1967).
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Michael J. Hansen Thank you very much for this generous scholarship, it is an honor. My family is proud of me for receiving this award and I am very proud of my father for his service to our country. This financial help will enable me to devote more time to my education. Thank you to the 11th ACVVC! Michael Hansen is the son of Sidney R. Hansen, L Troop, 67-68. KIA dedication to Albert H. Smith, H Company, ( KIA: 1/6/1967).
Karalee M. Herweh I am truly honored to receive the 11th Armored Cavalry’s Veterans of Vietnam and Cambodia scholarship. Because of this scholarship attending university is more affordable for my family. I plan to study Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Xavier University and later on study medicine to fulfill my dreams of becoming a hematologist. I am truly so thankful for the generosity of everyone in the 11th ACVVC. I hope that I will be able to honor the memory of Dewitt J. Wolf who was killed in action and for whom this scholarship is dedicated. Karalee Herweh is the daughter of Terry W. Herweh, 541 MID, 70-71. KIA dedication to Dewitt J. Wolf, M Company, (KIA: 1/12/1968).
Olivia R. Jones I am so honored to have been awarded the 11th ACVVC scholarship. It means so much to me to have support from you to continue my education at the University of Rhode Island. Thank you very much for the consideration. I truly appreciate it. Olivia R. Jones is the daughter of Daniel F. Jones, 541st MID, 68-69. KIA dedication to Joseph W. Sell, K Troop, (KIA: 6/20/1969).
Katrina A. Herweh Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity. I am very honored to have been awarded the scholarship. I am putting it to good use as I study social work at Xavier University. By becoming a social worker I hope to let the fallen soldiers of the 11th ACVVC live on and honor them for their love and dedication to this country. Without this scholarship I would not be able to achieve my life’s goal of helping others as easily. It is very struggling already to maintain great grades while working but I will do so with admiration of the courage and perseverance they all had while in service. I am much appreciative and honored to have been awarded this great scholarship among such deserving individuals. This reminds me that I am truly blessed and I cannot be ever more grateful.
Katrina A. Herweh, is the daughter of Terry W. Herweh 541 MID, 70-71. KIA dedication to Frank D. Leal, L Trp, (KIA: 7/21/67) |
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George F. Krcelich I am honored to be selected as a recipient of the 11thACVVC Scholarship Program. College is very expensive but this award will go a long way in helping me with my expenses. This fall I will begin my first of six years to become a pharmacist. I will attend Washington & Jefferson College for 4 years and then 2 years at the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy. I think that the 11th ACVVC Scholarship Program says a lot about the men and woman of this fine organization and their commitment to members and their families across the country. I am truly grateful for your generosity and thank all of you for your service to this great nation. George F. Krcelich is the son of George J. Krcelich, How Btry 1/11, 70-71. KIA dedication to Larry Brinkly, K Trp, (KIA: 5/6/69) |
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John L. Patton I do want to thank you, and all of the members of the committee very much for the scholarship. It will pay my tuition, fees and buy all the supplies I need to complete the law enforcement academy. This has been a dream of mine for a very long time and this scholarship is exactly what I needed. Again, thank you so very much. John L. Patton is the son of John L. Patton Jr., 919th Engr. 68-69. KIA dedication to Roger Schaefer, HHT 3/11, (KIA: 11/25/69) |
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Andrea M. Pehr This scholarship is important to me because it shows that hard work and determination really pay off. This scholarship also makes attending a top engineering school possible,allowing me one step closer to achieving my goal of a degree in mechanical engineering. I hope to one day work in the design and manufacturing of prosthesis. Simply this scholarship means a step closer to achieving my dream. Andrea M. Pehr is the daughter of Bert L. Pehr, HHT 3/11, 70-71. KIA dedication to Lawrence Crawford, G Trp, (KIA: 9/24/67) |
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Timothy Rustenberg My family and I would like to thank the 11thACVVC for the scholarship you have awarded me and allowing my family and I to attend the Indianapolis reunion where I got to talk to some of my father’s friends. The funds will go a long way in helping pay for my Nursing degree. Upon graduation I will combine my 16 years of being a Paramedic and my degree to help many of the people in my surrounding community, local hospitals and the State of Illinois to start a community Paramedicine program. This program will bridge the gaps of community health systems, Emergency Medical Systems, and hospitals so at risk patients can find other and better ways to receive health care. Thank you once again for assisting me in achieving my goal in helping those in need. Timothy Rustenberg is the son of Homer Rustenberg, How 3/11, 70-71. KIA dedication to Everett A. Herritz, 919th Engr., (KIA: 7/15/67) |
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Makenzie L. Skrabal Words can not express how thankful I am for receiving this prestigious scholarship. It will help me a great amount in my endeavors to become a physical therapist as I am hoping to specialize in helping children. I am so honored to receive an award that represents ALL the soldiers who have served in the 11th Armored Cavalry's Veterans of Vietnam and Cambodia. Thank you to everyone for your generosity and for this opportunity that will allow me to pursue my education and dreams. Makenzie L. Skrabal is the daughter of Edward Skrabal, HHT Regt, 68-69. KIA dedication to Donald L. Martinez, HHT 1/11, (KIA: 4/17/67) |
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Maria Stabler When I was asked what this scholarship means to me I pondered several things, the honor of being chosen; the ability to further my education, the sacrifices made by our fore fathers that have allowed us an education. When our fathers and grandfathers stood and fought in the trenches of war they could never fathom what their sacrifices would eventually foster. They fought for freedom. The freedom not only to live as we chose, but to better ourselves with a more educated America. Knowledge is power and we are empowering ourselves to bring America back to its former glory and to make sure their sacrifices were not in vein. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all, Maria Stabler is the daughter of Myron Stabler, G Troop, 71-72, KIA dedication to Robert Huster, L Troop, (KIA: 4/8/67) |
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Hayley Webb Thank you for awarding me this scholarship in honor of Willis N. Andrews. This award has been by far the most generous one I have received. I would like to thank all the members of the 11th Armored Cavalry who have continued to serve our country and have made this scholarship possible. This scholarship has made me appreciate how lucky I am to be able to go to college when I think of all the young men around my age going off to war in Vietnam instead of attending college. I most greatly honor Willis N. Andrews who sacrificed his life on April 17th, 1971 for the benefit of our country. My heart goes out to his family who, because of his heroism, only had him for a short twenty four years. Hayley Webb, is the daughter of Amos Webb, G Troop, 70-71, KIA dedication to Willis N. Andrews, F Troop, (KIA: 4/17/71) |
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Andrien Mireles Andrien Mireles, is the daughter of Michael J. Mireles, L Troop, 70-71, KIA dedication to Joseph M. D'Ambra, I Troop, (KIA: 5/9/68 |