Meet Our 2014 Scholarship Winners
Brief statements from 19 of our 2014 Scholarship Winners.
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Morgan Mykel Craig Words cannot begin to express how grateful I am to have received this prestigious and generous scholarship on behalf of Colonel Charles L. Schmidt. This scholarship will greatly help me further my education at the University of Kansas and pave the way for my future endeavors. I feel incredibly blessed that I was awarded this scholarship and I would like to thank all of those who have served for our country and who have given me the opportunities and life that I have today. Morgan Craig is the daughter of Michael Craig, F Troop 70-71, Recipient of the 2014 Col. Charles Schmidt Leadership award. |
Melanie Buckmann It is an honor and blessing to have been selected to receive one of the 11th Armored Cavalry’s Veterans of Vietnam and Cambodia scholarship awards. I am excited to be able to be going back to school to receive a degree in nursing, but as a mother of 3, it is also quite a challenge. This scholarship will greatly help to relieve some of the financial burdens of school and allow me to be more focused on my classes. I want to thank my Dad and all other members of the 11th ACVVC for giving me the opportunity to receive this scholarship and an even bigger thank-you to all veterans, past and present, for serving our country. Melanie Buckmann is the daughter of Ken Moser, M Company, 67-68. KIA dedication in honor of: Robert J. Brinkman, How Battery 1/11, (KIA 4/13/69). |
1. Lauren M. De Paul I’d like to express my gratitude for being honored with this scholarship. It means a lot to me, and I will proudly display it in memory of Trooper James G. Belinski. This scholarship is important to me not only because it relieves a little financial pressure, but because it proves that someone who I don’t even know has faith in me. I’m willing to work hard to achieve my goals, and lead a worthwhile life, and I appreciate that a stranger is willing to support that. War is a terrible thing, but it has been fought by valiant, courageous, and honorable individuals. I am full of gratitude for those who have served and protected our country; I am blessed to live in this country, and attend a university immediately after high school. Thank you to everyone who has helped protect this country and all the wonderful opportunities she has afforded me. I’m so grateful for this scholarship, and extremely excited to begin the next chapter of my life! Thank you. Lauren Marie DePaul is the daughter of Richard DePaul Jr. HHT 3/11, 67-68. KIA dedication in honor of: James G. Belinski, B Troop, (KIA 7/1/68). |
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Shilea S. Drummer The 11th Cavalry Black Horse Scholarship is very important to me because it will help me in my future endeavors in terms of my education. This scholarship will be put to good use for my education by paying for books, supplies and other materials that I will need during my program of study for nursing. It means a lot to me that the 11th Armored Cavalry has established a scholarship to support the children of Veterans of Vietnam. I sincerely appreciate being chosen for this scholarship and will forever be grateful. Shilea Drummer is the daughter of Frank Drummer, A Troop, 70-71. KIA dedication in honor of: Richard E. Weiss, I Troop, (KIA 6/23/69). |
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Brendan T. Ford I would like to thank you for selecting me as a recipient of the 11th Armored Cavalry's Veterans of Vietnam & Cambodia scholarship award. This scholarship means very much to me because, I am prepared to enter to the ROTC program at Stonehill College, and it is an honor to carry on the legacy of the 11th Armored Cavalry. Thanks to all who thought highly of me to receive this award, I am truly grateful. Brendan Ford is the son of Robert Ford, G troop, 71-72. KIA dedication in honor of: James W. Ambrose III, E Troop (KIA 1/31/69). |
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Shawna L. German I was very happy to learn that I was a recipient of the 11th Armored Cavalry Scholarship. I am writing to thank you for your generous, financial support towards my higher education. By awarding me this generous scholarship and lessening the financial burden, I am able to concentrate on my education. I hope one day I will be able to help others achieve their goal as you have helped me. I plan on majoring in Kinesiology at Kansas State University, where I begin my college career as a freshman this fall. I later plan to pursue a career as a Physical Therapist. Thank you again for recognizing my worth. It truly is an honor. Shawna German is the daughter of Ronald German, E Troop., 69-72. KIA dedication in honor of: Jerry W. Wickam, F Troop, (KIA 1/6/68). |
Kevin Gochenour I wanted to send you this brief note in thanks for the scholarship that you and the other veterans of the 11th Armored Cavalry Veteran’s of Vietnam & Cambodia have bestowed upon me. What this scholarship means to me in a word is "everything." I cannot express to you in words how much this scholarship means to my family and me this coming fall. As you are likely aware the cost of a higher education is higher than ever, and for folks like me who chose a career path that didn’t include college at first it’s even harder. My plans for this money are to pay a large portion of my fall tuition expenses at Northern Arizona University. I was very proud to accept these funds in memory of PFC Delbert O. Lewis of Shelby Ohio, who was killed in action on Christmas Day 1967. I plan to honor him and my father Samuel Gochenour who served as a door gunner with the 11th ACR from November of 1966 to November of 1967, by attending Medical School two years from now and making them both proud. Kevin Gochenour is the son of Samuel Gochenour, Air Cav Troop, 66-67. KIA dedication in honor of: Delbert O. Lewis, M Company, (KIA 12/25/67). |
David J. Hormell As a first generation college student, I feel blessed to receive this kind of support from people I don’t even know who are willing to invest in my dreams. I will be attending Western Kentucky University in the fall. I will be studying Journalism with a concentration in professional writing. I recently visited a small, independent bookstore. I spent hours in there, completely losing myself in the literature. When I left, I knew that, without a doubt, writing is what I want do to for the rest of my life. Thank you for selecting me as a scholarship recipient. This is truly an honor and I know this will help tremendously. David Hormell is the son of James Hormell, K Troop, 67-68. KIA dedication in honor of: Gary A. McLannan, L Troop, (KIA 7/21/67). |
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Lori K. Kays I am truly grateful for the generous scholarship I received from the 11th Armored Cavalry Veterans of Vietnam & Cambodia. As someone planning to enter the field of social work, a profession in which one often has to sacrifice personal needs, it seems fitting that part of my education will be dedicated to Clarence E. Smith, a trooper who made the ultimate sacrifice and lost his life on March 20, 1969. I will do my best to honor him, others who died, and veterans like my father, Danny Kays, through my work with at-risk youth. Lori Kays is the daughter of Danny Kays, G Troop, 69-70. KIA dedication in honor of: Clarence E. Smith, L Troop, (KIA 3/20/69). |
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Nino A. D. Lane Thank you to all who are a part of this wonderful community of Veterans who believed that I am worth allowing me to have this scholarship. This scholarship is a large deal to me, seeing that it will allow me to go on to school and not worry as much on cost but focus on my education. It allows me to go on and one day be able to give back to my community in the medical field, thank you. Nino Lane is the son of Earl L. Lane, Air Cav Troop, 69-70. KIA dedication in honor of: Ronald E. Clark, A Troop, (KIA 5/14/68). |
Danielle Larry Thank you so much for awarding me this scholarship! It will help me tremendously with paying for my schooling. I am taking classes to become an ultrasound technician. I love helping people and this is the perfect profession to be able to do that! It means a lot to me to receive a scholarship from a military entity with such standards and class as the 11th ACVVC. My father is a member and military service runs very deep in our family. I, myself, am a veteran and I am now married to a veteran, as well. All the males in my family as far back as I can trace have served in the military. I pride myself as being the first female veteran in my family! Again, I thank all military members for their service and I will make the 11th ACVVC very proud to have awarded me this great gesture! Danielle Larry is the daughter of Donald Carey, Air Cav Troop, 67-68. KIA dedication in honor of: Richard M. Kulavik, I Troop, (KIA 2/17/69). |
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Christopher Lee Miller This scholarship award will allow me to fulfill my degree as a physical education teacher. Thank you so much for helping me get one step closer to completing college! Christopher Miller is the son of Gary L. Miller, F Troop, 67-68. KIA dedication in honor of: Daniel L. Mullins, K Troop, (KIA 8/31/67). |
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Kerstin Nelson Thank you for awarding me this scholarship in the honor of Michael L. Jones. I am very grateful for this scholarship as it will help me in the journey of becoming a Marriage and Family Therapist. Specifically, it will help with all kinds of expenses while I attend school, and work at my internship at a mental health clinic. It is humbling to receive this award knowing where it is coming from. I'm very proud of my dad and all the people who served for our country. I sincerely thank the 11th Armored Cavalry's Veterans of Vietnam and Cambodia for their generosity. Kerstin Nelson is the daughter of Lee Nelson, HHT 1/11, 68-69. KIA dedication in honor of: Michael L. Jones, E Troop, (KIA 12/27/67). |
Cassie M. Nybo I was elated to hear from you regarding the scholarship award from the 11th ACVVC and also somewhat sobered by the reminder that so many died including Robert Henderson, Jr. on June 6, 1970. My Dad has told me some about his experience in Viet Nam with the 11th ACR. He remembers the skirmish during which Mr. Henderson lost his life. I am honored and thankful and appreciate all the troopers who served and who still carry on to preserve the memory of their brothers, especially those who gave "all". Cassie Nybo is the daughter of Marc Nybo, HHT 2/11, 69-70. KIA dedication in honor of: Robert K. Henderson, A Troop, (KIA 6/19/70). |
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Matthew G. Rusteberg I would first like to thank the 11th Armored Cavalry’s Veterans of Vietnam and Cambodia for the scholarship that has been awarded to me in memory of a fallen hero. I am also very proud that my dad served in Vietnam. With this scholarship and my internship with the US Army Corp of Engineers, I will be able to attend college without it being a financial burden. With my Wildlife Habitat Management and Conservation degree, I will have the ability to help preserve and conserve wildlife habitats for future generations to enjoy. Matt Rusteberg is the son of Homer Rusteberg, How Battery, 3/11, 70-71. KIA dedication in honor of: John Ortiz, H Company, (KIA: 1/17/68). |
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Laura E. Santos I was at a loss for words when I received this scholarship. The first person I called was my dad, Tomas Santos. He was so thrilled. He and all of the soldiers who served in Vietnam and Cambodia are the reason I was able to receive such an honor. Being a single mother, I've made some sacrifices in order to resign from my job to continue my education. My sacrifices do not compare to those who have served and to those who continue to serve in the Armed Forces. I've been truly blessed and can't thank you enough for this. With the money I receive from this scholarship (in memory of Robert L. Mingle who was killed in action on 06/18/1969) I will be able apply it to my tuition and books at the University of Texas at El Paso. I am working on my Bachelor's of Science in Kinesiology in order to work in the Cardiac Rehabilitation field. You will be helping me help others who are in need of care. Thank you Dad, and the 11th ACVVC from the bottom of my heart. I will make you proud. Laura E. Santos is the daughter of Tomas Santos, HHT, Regiment, 69-70. KIA dedication in honor of: Robert L. Mingle, Air Cav Troop, (KIA 6/18/69). |
Sarah J. Seebold I am honored to receive the 2014 11th Armored Cavalry’s Veterans of Vietnam & Cambodia scholarship award. I cannot express into words how appreciative and thankful I am for your assistance with my college education. I am a mother of three so college tuition is not easy to afford. With your generous scholarship I am now able to finish out my degree in Elementary Education and pursue my goal in becoming a teacher. This award is dedicated to the memory of Ralph O. Hill who was killed in action serving as a trooper in G Troop of the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment in Southeast Asia. Sarah Seebold is the daughter of Barry Sutherland, I Troop, 68-69. KIA dedication in honor of: Ralph O. Hill, G Troop, (KIA 4/25/70). |
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Brittany Le Anna Smith I feel incredibly grateful to be selected for this prestigious scholarship award in honor of 11th ACR Trooper Bobby A. Semore. Even since grade school I planned on going on to college and by the time I completed high school, and now the first year of college, the reality of the high costs of attending college began to sink in. In receiving the financial boost that this scholarship represents means that I am even closer to reaching my goal of earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting and starting my career. My plan is to complete my degree at Texas A&M, College Station, Texas and now that appears to be closer to reality. I want to sincerely thank all the members of the 11th Armored Cavalry Veterans of Vietnam and Cambodia and the scholarship committee for this award and I fully intend to perform to the best of my ability and make the organization and my family proud. Brittany L. Smith is the daughter of Robert Clark, HHT 3/11, 69-70. KIA dedication in honor of: Bobby A. Semore, B Troop, (KIA 5/9/67). |
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Lauren N. Victor I was honored to learn I was a recipient of 11th Armored Cavalry’s Veterans of Vietnam & Cambodia Scholarship. I would like to thank the association for your generous, financial support towards college. I am a Biomedical Engineer major at Northeastern University in Boston. In the fall, I will be doing my first semester in Greece in hopes to become a global citizen and gain new perspective of other cultures. After graduating, I plan to seek my master’s degree or begin my career in Biotechnology. Thank you for your generosity that has allowed me to pursue my education. Lauren Victor is the daughter of James Victor, L Troop, 69-70. KIA dedication in honor of: Lanny J. Norman, F Troop (KIA 11/11/68). |