This is( Zig Zag) Steve Hughes Quion Loi & An Loc 1969 he was
3rd Plt 919th.

The guy in black shirt is (zig zag) Steve Hughes.
The guy in front of the cav with eyes is Buck Malinick. 919th 1969
Stienglass all I know is I've been looking for him a
long time

The guy with the arrow pointed at him is Buck Malnarick


Blackhorse and opium that came out of tunnel can't
remember the guy who went he capured an NVA officer he got a nice pistol
off him
Zig Zag in front of 3/4 ton I think the house was up by Quion

Me on left( Rick) Don Wolf on Right

2nd guy to right was from cali.was a pretty good artis. 3rd
guy nickname
4th guy me Rick. 5th guy nickname(Greek)can't remember 1st guys name

The guy on the right is Roger (Crute) Cross

The guy on right of arrow is Schultz

ZigZag on Right

Buck holden the Banner

zigzag in middle

The guy on left is ( Buck Malinick) the guy on right is ( crute)
Roger Cross
on cev
The guy on left is Buck the right is Roger Cross
