While compiling pictures for the book I am publishing for George, I found a good one taken at, HHT Regt 1966-1967 Xuan Loc Vietnam.
George was writing a book but passed away before it could be published. I am having the book published and the release date will hopefully be in October 2006. This was one
of the pictures I used on the cover of the book, as one of the chapters is about the Ambush on Highway 1, November 21, 1966. The title is, TELL ME A WAR STORY, and it will be
available on Amazon.com or BookSurge.com.
I trust it is permissible for me, George's wife, to send in this picture to honor him and share memories of his Vietnam tour. If not, I certainly understand your not being
able to publish it.. He was Captain George E. Kinback, Jr. in this picture.
Thank you and all of the troops for service to our country.
Doris Wright Kinback