With Cutlines

Kevin Dixon, combat engineer, 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment,
Fort Myer, Va., assists Monty Montelongo attach battle streamers
to the regimental colors in an Aug. 4 celebration of the 100th
anniversary of the Blackhorse Regiment. U.S. Army photo by Sgt.
Carmen L. Burgess

day soldiers from the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, Fort Myer,
Va., don authentic uniforms which the unit has worn throughout
the years. The soldiers participated in a ceremony honoring the
unit’s history and heritage. U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Carmen L.

of the Army Thomas E. White eats lunch with soldiers from 504th
Parachute Infantry Regiment during his visit Aug. 1-2 at Fort
Bragg, NC. The secretary discussed issues such as construction
of new barracks, education and funding for training with the
paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne Division. U.S. Army photo by
Sgt. Carmen L. Burgess

Honorable Thomas E. White, secretary of the Army, is presented
with a saddlebag after his speech at the 100th anniversary
celebration of the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment. White, who was
a former 11th ACR commander, was the guest speaker for the Aug.
4 dinner that brought the weekend celebration to a close. U.S.
Army photo by Sgt. Carmen L. Burgess

Honorable Thomas E. White, secretary of the Army, checks out an
M-4 carbine weapon at the barracks of Company C, 3rd Battalion,
504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, Fort Bragg, NC. The M-4 is
the standard weapon used by the 82nd Airborne Division. U.S.
Army photo by Sgt. Carmen L. Burgess

Jake Davis (center) and Pfc. David Lynn (right), both of Company
C, 3rd Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, stand by as
Secretary of the Army Thomas E. White tours their barracks room
Aug. 2. The paratroopers answered the secretary’s questions
about barracks maintenance, education within the Army and
readiness of the 82nd Airborne Division. U.S. Army photo by Sgt.
Carmen L. Burgess

Honorable Thomas E. White, secretary of the Army, swears in
Reginald J. Brown as the new assistant secretary of the Army for
Manpower and Reserve Affairs in his office July 31. His wife,
Emmy, along with family and friends were present for the
U.S. Army Photo By Sgt. Carmen L. Burgess

1st Class Eric Wilbur looks on as Secretary of the Army Thomas
E. White successfully hits targets at the recruiting display
July 24 at Fort A.P. Hill, Va. Wilbur is one of the 2,300
soldiers supporting the 2001 National Boy Scout Jamboree. U.S.
Army photo by Sgt. Carmen L. Burgess
For related photos and cutlines go to:

Honoring African American Soldiers Who Served in the Korean

Recalled at Memorial Dedication
Va., June 6, 2001 -- Secretary of the Army Thomas E. White,
third from left, presents the Army's Normandy battle streamer to
the National D-Day Memorial Foundation at the memorial's
dedication ceremony. Accepting it -- with the help of two D-Day
veterans -- is Dr. William A. McIntosh, vice-president for
education at the foundation. As part of the dedication ceremony,
White read President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's prayer for
D-Day radio broadcast from June 6, 1944. President George W.
Bush delivered the main address. ( U.S. Army photo) For related
story, see http://www.dtic.mil/armylink/news/Jun2001/a20010607dday0607.html

Secretary Addresses SGM Graduates
PASO, Texas, May 30, 2001 -- Incoming Secretary of the Army
Thomas E. White makes a point during his remarks at the
Sergeants Major Academy graduation ceremony. White was the guest
speaker for the Fort Bliss academy's event. (U.S. Army photo by
Staff Sgt. Jack Siemieniec.)
For related story, see http://www.dtic.mil/armylink/news/May2001/a20010531secwhite.html